
There are various types of pruning. Below we have listed the most common you will hear about or will most likely want to have done.


Structural Pruning

This is the typical pruning that is done in young trees to promote good structure.

Crown Cleaning

Crown cleaning is the selective removal of dead, diseased, broken or weakly attached branches from a tree crown.  This is the most common pruning technique for landscape trees.

Crown Thinning

Crown thinning includes crown cleaning as well as selective removal of branches to increase light penetration and air movement through the crown, and to improve structure.

Crown Raising

Crown raising removes the lower branches of a tree in order to provide clearance for buildings, signs, vehicles, pedestrians and lines of sight.

Crown Reduction

Crown reduction is used to reduce the overall size of the tree.

Crown Restoration

If you have a tree that has been previously topped, crown restoration can improve its structure and appearance.

Vista Pruning

Vista Pruning is to enhance your view without jeopardizing the health or stability of a tree.

Utility Pruning

This is the removal of branches or stems to prevent the loss of service, prevent damage to utility equipment and to provide access to the line.  This pruning is done by power companies.

All descriptions from ISA Arborist’ Certification Study Guide 2010 Edition