Arborist Reports

Comprehensive Arborist Reports

Get detailed tree assessments for development applications

Buena Vista Arbor Care provides detailed professional tree assessment and services throughout the state of Oregon. We offer services to a range of residential and commercial clients including:


  • property developers
  • local municipalities
  • schools
  • HOA’s
  • golf courses and
  • residential establishments among many others


We pride ourselves on offering all inclusive arborist reports for development applications and provide verbal consultation to assist you every step of the way with your project.



What is an arborist report?

So what is an arborist report? Why is getting one so important?


An arborist report or tree inspection is conducted by a qualified arboriculturalist who is a certified Tree Risk Inspector through the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA). It provides information about the overall health and condition of a tree to determine whether it’s a potential hazard to surrounding properties or people or methods of preserving a tree during construction.


Arboricultural surveys are typically sought by large land developers as part of a planning application for development.


For further information about these services, please give us a call today.